Tim Munro


Tim Munro

I relish the opportunity to support businesses to solve strategic service delivery challenges. It’s a privilege to support the Height team to grow its procurement business in Australia and New Zealand.

Core skills

Executive leadership, procurement specialist, supply chain and logistics consultant, workshop facilitation, contract management and negotiation, governance.

Tim is a highly experienced procurement specialist with more than 15-years running a thriving procurement consultancy in New Zealand.  Prior to that he spent several decades as a procurement leader and general manager for private and public sector companies, including Auckland Council, GHD, Freightways and several shipping companies. Tim has diverse industry experience spanning Local and Central Government, construction, defence and health.

Tim is an experienced Gateway Review Team Leader for New Zealand Treasury, and Fellow and past President of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in New Zealand (CILTNZ). 

Tim completed his master's in supply chain management (with distinction) at Massey University in 2017.  His paper ‘Construction supply chain integration: understanding its applicability in infrastructure asset maintenance and renewal programmes’ has been published in the International Journal of Construction Supply Chain management.

Tim was awarded Membership to the Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS) in 2019.  He also received the CILTNZ Norman Spencer Memorial Medal for lifetime achievement in 2019.

Tim has retired from his professional career and is enjoying upcycling old native construction timber into furniture and studying to complete a PhD. His PhD research looks at how uncertainty impacts the civil infrastructure network supply chains' willingness to invest in the capacity and capability required to meet changing demand.